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You and The Mary Group, edgelessly exploring, deepening your understanding of you, your life, and all of life
Jacque Nelson is an inspirational speaker, author, artist, and channel for The Mary Group.
Jacque, along with her husband Don, built their company, The Inner Vortex, into the multi-media and worldwide event company it is today. Her unwavering passion to ground life’s most profound questions whilst holding space for emotional and spiritual healing and growth during these transformational times. She is determined to witness each of us experience impactful and abundant lives through a deepened understanding of ourselves while supporting one another through community.
Leading a vibrant community, Jacque reaches hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Jacque engages in workshops, individual sessions, travel retreats, and media interactions offering partnership for navigating daily life with clarity, empowerment, and love. Her acclaimed live events, held around the globe, are adventures into the deepest layers of who we truly are and how each of us love and live inward and outward with all of humanity.
Don Nelson is a co-author, presenter, inspirational space holder, and all things technical for The Mary Group.
Don, known as the man behind the curtain within The Mary Group community, brings the virtual, technical, and organizational components to life. Don gifts insight, joy, & heart-centered humor as he stirs movement in their community through laughter and depthful inquiry. He is determined to spread & share the profound wisdom The Mary Group offers and step within to live out into the world of our choice.
As a thought-leader in their vibrant community, Don engages in workshops, retreats, media interactions, and reaches thousands of people all over the world. These acclaimed live events are explorations into the wild, organic, and true layers of who we are. Don stimulates a connective space held in belief, empowerment, and boundless commitment for Jacque, The Mary Group, and all of humanity.